Headed to the All Lights India International Film Festival in Cochin, India for our INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE on November 16, 2015!

Moderator: Sonam Arti
Panelists: Norah Shapiro, Tenzin Dolker, Tenzin Pelkyi
Within the Tibetan exile community, a feminist movement has begun to emerge; this new collective consciousness has raised critical questions about equality, cultural identity, and the nature of patriarchy.
October, 2014
Announcing our WORLD PREMIERE: Miss Tibet: Beauty in Exile to screen next month at DOC NYC!!! Now in its 5th year, DOC NYC has become the country’s largest documentary festival with over 150 films and events. According to the Wall Street Journal, “DOC NYC has quickly become one of the city’s grandest cinema events.”
March 2, 2014 Director Norah Shapiro was honored to attend and witness the magnificent celebration as His Holiness the Dalai Lama celebrated Losar, the Tibetan New Year with the Minneapolis Tibetan Community (the 1st time he has ever celebrated Losar outside of India since being exiled there!), as well as His Holiness’ laureate address at the Faith & Peace Day of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum on “Crossing Boundaries to Create Common Ground” on March 1st.
February 2014 Picture Lock!!! Hallelujah!
January 2014 Director Norah Shapiro will be teaming up with Entertainment Lawyer Walter Lehmann using Miss Tibet: Beauty in Exile as a case study for clearing rights in documentary films in a special IFP MN Pro workshop on February 1st – workshop participants will get a sneak peak of the film, not to mention a wealth of knowledge about issues central to almost every documentary filmmaker!
January 2014 More exciting news: Director Norah Shapiro awarded a 2014 Artist Initiative Grant by the Minnesota State Arts Board (this is the 2nd time they have granted this support for this film, truly an honor!)
January 2014 In post-production, getting close! Thrilled to bring the talented folks at Pixel Farm on board for the final chapter of post-production, we are picking up steam!
January 2013 Director Norah Shapiro will present excerpts of her work along with other McKnight Fellows at Open Book in Minneapolis on January 9.
October 2012 Director Norah Shapiro had privilege of attending a fantastic week long Documentary Master Class at the Maine Workshops, taught by master filmmaker/Academy Award winner Dewitt Sage, as part of her McKnight Fellowship year plan.
July 2012 We have two incredibly talented new members of our team: award winning Minnesota-based composer Tom Scott is working on our original score, and award winning NYC-based filmmaker/editor Jennifer Steinman has come on board as our new editor!
May 2012 Fantastic news, Director Norah Shapiro selected as a 2012 McKnight Filmmaking Fellow.
March 2012 We are moving forward on schedule, and have just completed our 1st rough cut!
November 30, 2011 We reached our IndieGoGo goal and we couldn’t have done it without your help! Thanks to one & all our supporters!
September 2011 We’ve launched an IndieGoGo campaign! We are excited to tap into the world of indie film “crowdfunding” – visit our IndieGoGo Miss Tibet: Beauty in Exile page to watch new clips, get fresh updates & fabulous perks, and help us in the next critical phase of our film’s journey before our campaign ends on November 30th!
July 2011 We are thrilled & honored to have received generous support from the Sewell Family Foundation to help us transition beyond the production phase of our film!
June 2011 After a fantastic return trip to India to shoot the Miss Tibet Pageant 2011, we’re moving into post-production! Stay tuned for updates & ways you can support us in this next crucial phase!
Director Norah Shapiro has been awarded a 2011 Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant to assist with funding the return to Dharamsala, India this spring to complete production filming the 10th anniversary of the Miss Tibet Pageant.
February 25 We had the pleasure of visiting Tenzin Khechoe in her home for an interview about her preparations for the Miss Tibet Pageant in June.